Saturday, June 19, 2010

Salt or Sugar?

Just stop. For this moment. Think.
Think about this whole year.. (yes, from January)
What happened that scarred you. What happened that filled your heart with joy.
Things you know you will never be able to forget.

Are you happier than sad? Are sadder than happy?
Because if you are either of them.. well.. you're human XP
If you think 'bah, I'm fiinnee..." well, then you're obviously not because no one's bah i'm fiinnee...

No one's life is a bed of roses.
Let's face it, nobody's perfect.
Not you, and definitely not me.

I can't say I'm exactly content with the way my life is going right now.
But that doesn't mean I hate my life.
I just want more happy moments, more than depressing ones.
Heck, everyone wants that.

All I want now.. is a change in me.
From this stupid, take-for-granted and undeniably depressing rough salt
To a bright, cheerful and undeniably strong fine sugar.

Destroying the order,
Dusting the gold,
Thieving treasures,
all for the sake of the needy,
is that good or bad?
Salt or sugar?

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